Profile / AM

Photo was me at the time of 24 years old.

T. Amaki

Home town
Aichi prefecture Chita peninsula

Present address
Kawasaki city Tama division Mita

going to bed early, a deep sleep, and a short distancedash
(the ace of a junior-high-school time land part, and high school) Although it endeavors
to a captain, an item comes to be abolished and a cigarette collapses by the cause.

The second half of the present hobby and interested thing
Kawasaki city northern-part boy baseball team Eagles
After -- a battle --
(it endeavors to a present coach and cameraman),
A digital camera masters and it is -- victory horse anticipation and ------.

Though followed to everyday WORK now,
it is multi-Me-dyahh(since it is the Aichi prefecture graduate) ---- in research.
-- it is the posture to say -- since in addition to time, physical strength,
and capital shortage, it is machine tone deaf fundamentally
but It is followed also to a chronic machine trouble and it is every day --
under grapple with these dilemma ------.
birth date : 1953.0429